Friday, October 8, 2010

Venus retro and the Social Community

I am bringing up the movie Social Community in relation to Venus retrograde because it came to theaters about a week before Venus stationed retrograde in Scorpio.
Now, the young man that the movie centers on (I haven't seen the film), is one Mark Zuckerberg, ( May 14, 1984, White Plains, NY,   who I don't have a  birth time for)  the main founder/creator of Facebook,  who has the Sun in Taurus and the ruler of Taurus, the planet Venus (ruling society, and relations on many levels) also in the grounded earth sign of Taurus, trine (in a clean line of communication with) the planet Jupiter in Capricorn. Now, Jupiter isn't usually happy in Capricorn, but these two planets being in an easier dialogue t making  them work well, and Jupiter expands Venus' realm (friends) and can also make the social element lucrative (earth signs can relate to money, just as the planet Venus does)
Mix in the serious planet of Saturn in Scorpio, opposing that Venus, he is going to make those social skills work for him.
His communication planet, Mercury, is in the pioneer sign of Aries, in an out-of-sign trine to Neptune in Sag.  Both of these planets, one can argue, are the different faces of community, Mercury being the neighborhood, and Neptune being the connection between  all things, a global community.  The North Node being in Gemini also underlines the idea of communication and community, and the joining together of people and groups.

Now, I wonder if we will see a darker side to Facebook, with Venus now retrograde in Scorpio, while it is activating Mr. Zuckerberg's Saturn.  Will he be making changes to the Social Network, will new defence parameters be put up?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Venus Retro, coming right up!

I decided the best image for this falls Venus retrograde cycle in Scorpio was Nigella Lawson, because she is so damn sexy!  and from what little I know of Ms Lawson, she has had her fair share of trips to the Underworld, like Inana. 

The Sumerian myth illustrates that this goddess of Heaven, the precursor to Isis, and Mary, for that matter, had to go into the Underworld to give up all that she valued, including her life (she was hung on a meat hook) to her sister Ereshkigal, who is really the dark face of Inana/Venus.

This is causing us to reevaluate what we hold dear in life, what is important, and in the sign of Scorpio, it can be about all the jealousies and turbulent emotions that relationships or money/power, for that matter, bring up.  There maybe some love triangles happening in your life, or the resurgence of old loves and grudges.
Ultimately, this is about transforming the ego, elevating the deep understanding of what role all these things represent in our lives.  Can be fun, can be scary, might be nasty.   Bring the garlic.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Christopher Isherwood and Don Barchardy

Of late, I have been thinking about the film " The Single Man" by Tom Ford, starring Colin Firth and Matthew Goode (honeys, one and all).  It made me go back and have a look at Christopher Isherwood, who wrote the novel, and I discovered that there is a documentary on his 30 year relationship with Don Bachardy, who I didn't know of, and who, by the by, is a fab artist!.
So, of course, being who I am, I first wanted to know if in fact The Single Man was autobiographical, which it kind of was, except that in real life, Isherwoods lover didn't die.  Quote from Bachardy "Chris got the idea for that book when he and I were having a domestic crisis.  We'd been together 10 years.  I was making a lot of trouble and wondering if I shouldn't be on my own. Chris was going through a very difficult period (as well). So he killed off my character, Jim, in the book and imagined what his life would be without me"

Now, in looking at their charts ( I don't have a time for Bachardy, and Isherwoods is taken from Lois Rodden's Astro Databank.), we see that they are/were both earth signs, so a commonality there, and both had moons in water, Barchardys in Cancer, and Isherwoods in Pisces, so to a certain extent they shared a similar approach in emotional experience as well as life purpose.
As far as chemistry is concerned, Barchardys Venus was trine Isherwoods Mars, and amazingly enough, Barcardys Mars was trine (nice connection to) Isherwoods Venus,  so the relationship planets were well in sync, both ways.  there are may strong connections between the charts, to many to go into here, but I will post the synastry chart, just for fun.
Another interesting note is that the movie the Single Man came just about the time transitting Pluto was crossing Isherwood's descendant (one of the "public" houses), "unearthing" or rediscovering, as Pluto is wont to do, another priceless classic

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Has George Michael flown to close to the Sun?

Morning, all.
So, my idol, George Michael, former lead singer of WHAM, presented himself in court today to enter his guilty plea in relation to the July 4th Snappy Snap accident (he drove his car into the store while allegedly high on cannabis)

It turns out that during this Mercury retrograde period, Mecury will be transitting his IC/fourth house cusp and will be squaring his natal Mercury/Venus conjunct in the twelfth, Mercury ruling the 12th natally. (the 12th house and it's ruler in the natal chart traditionally rule instituations, such as  hospitals and prisons.)

In each of the charts for the accident, the day for entering the plea, Mercury is prominent in the chart, as is the current Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in ARies, in his tenth of career and the public eye. Uranus, and later Jupiter make a quincunx to natal Mars, co-ruler for driving (crashed his car).  In the Accident chart, transitting Mars is squaring Natal Mercury (rules eye/hand coordination, driving). transitting Jupiter is also squaring natal Sun, giving him the impression he can fly high.
At the same time, between the ages of 46-47 his  Jupiter Uranus quincunx becomes exact, making him confront the theme of Icarus in his life and career.
I have failed to mention that during all this period, transitting Pluto is still in orb of opposing his Sun, digging him out of the 12th house, (his Sun is in the 12th, transitting Pluto in the 6th) and exposing the paraphenalia in his closet for all to see.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Days of Wine and Roses

Okay, the Sun is in Leo, and despite the crazy energies of the last few weeks, there is a sepia tone to the last days of August....the Sun is happy in the sign of Leo, so we can delight in the delights :)
Now my delights right now are some of the dudes from True Blood.....but that's not everyone's flavour.
We have navigated alot of the scarier configurations in the sky right now, and with Mercury retrograding today, there are bound to be frustrations, but rather then flip out, just allow things to unfold, it was suppose to take this long, and you might learn something in the process!
As long as we are healthy, and have food on our tables and roofs over our heads, we are blessed.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

If it's Wednesday, it must Uranus.

Okay, folks, let's hope I remember how I got into my blog this time. I use to have another, but forgot all the info.

It's interesting how the world is in such flux now. Uranus, the planet of change is afoot!  I know many relationships and lives that are scramble up a bit right now, because the powers that be (the planet Pluto is in there as well) are asking us to reexamine our needs and wants, and our expectations.

The New Moons are also a good example of how the astro weather is affecting us, George Michael, former "Faith" singer and WHAM! member's life is in question right now, and even though he was  in an accident prior to the NEw Moon,  he was only arrested after the New Moon, on August 9th,  which was quite prominent in his chart.
He may be examining confined spaces in the next little while....

anyway, that's good for a start, and if I have any urekas, I will be back at it shortly

ciao for now